Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fill in the Blank

Shannon at Luvin the Mommyhood posted this and I thought I'd give it a try since Tessa is down for a nap and how else could I waste my precious free time?

Making : a stocking for Tessa. I started in January and haven't picked it up since Tessa was born. I'm feeling the deadline start to creep towards me!!
Cooking : Chicken Spinach Artichoke Squares from Kelly's Recipe Blog
Drinking : iced coffee (Via from Starbucks. Not bad!)
Reading: "Baby-led Weaning" (see previous post)
Wanting: Ryan to finish working in Sacramento and come home
Looking: for fun crafts that I can try now that I'm a SAHM
Playing: on Tessa's floor jungle gym with her
Wasting: my precious minutes of Tessa's nap writing the second blog post in one day!
Sewing: a rag doll for Tessa
Wishing: I still got paid while I'm on leave!
Enjoying: staying home with Tessa and not having to plan for the next school year
Waiting: for So You Think You Can Dance to start
Liking: finding new mommy blogs to read about others' adventures
Wondering: the last time I changed Tessa's diaper before I laid her down for her nap
Loving: being a new mom!
Hoping: Tessa sleeps well tonight so we can enjoy our play date tomorrow!
Marveling: at how Tessa changes every single day
Needing: a pedicure
Smelling: the oatmeal spice cookies Tessa and I are baking for Daddy
Wearing: shorts and a tank
Following: too many blogs to keep up with
Noticing: a strange bump on my finger. Did I "catch" Robbie's wart yesterday?
Knowing: Ryan will be home tomorrow night makes my day so much brighter!
Thinking: Tessa may have just woken up. I heard some stirring...
Bookmarking: articles about Tessa's development
Opening: a package that came from my mom-in-law in the mail ... oops! I guess I left a couple of books in Ventura. Thanks for mailing them back!
Giggling: at Tessa's new found laugh when we sing!
Feeling: tired, but that I wouldn't change it for the world!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining in! I enjoyed reading your answers! It's fun isn't it? Hope you get to sleep through the night tonight :)

    See you in the mommyhood.
