Today was Tessa’s 6 month appointment. It went really well! She hasn’t grown a whole lot since 5 months, but is still right where her pediatrician (and parents!) want her. Here’s where Tessa is now:
Weight: 15 lbs. 13 oz. ~ 25 -50%
Length: 26 in.* ~ 50%
Head Circumference: 16.25 in. ~ 5-10%
All percentiles are based on the Baby Growth Percentile Calculator on
*Her nurse measured her length at 25 in., but I know she didn’t shrink this month, so I measured her again at home, and she is still right around 26 in.
I really like Tessa’s pediatrician. She is very down to earth and always cites her sources, which is important to this teacher!! She also doesn’t make me feel guilty about anything and often states statistics and research followed up with “but you do what works for your family.”
Here are my ups and downs from the visit (a la PregTASTIC!):
~ Shots! I hate watching my smiling, laughing baby girl crumble into tears with that needle prick!
~ Tessa’s doctor said it seems that Tessa may have a little stranger anxiety. This isn’t devastating, or anything. In fact, it’s probably good for her to be a little anxious around strangers. But, I don’t want her to be as devastatingly shy as I was! Another reason for me to keep going to MOPS, for the childcare experience!
~ Everything looks very healthy! Skin, eyes, ears, growth chart, diaper area
~ Tessa’s doctor said she seems very smart. Her recognition skills are beyond six months and are more like a nine month old!
I forgot to add one thing to yesterday’s 6 month post. Tessa is moving around so much these days! I’m not sure how, because she always does it when I’m not looking. I’ll put her down on one side of the bed, and several seconds later, she’ll be all the way over to me with her arm resting on top of my shoulder. And our bed is a California King, so that’s a long way for her to move! Also, when I go check on her during naps, she’ll be completely upside down from the way I left her! It has become close to impossible to change her diaper because she flips around constantly! Poopie diapers are seriously dangerous now, with poo ending up in areas it should never be, like on her foot, on her elbow, on MY elbow, etc. It looks like we’ve officially entered the stage of disgusting diaper stories. I’ll try my best to not share too much, and always warn you if it’s gross!
And for my Project Five White Onesies ~ Half Birthday part of this post:
More appliqué! I showed off the front of the onesie yesterday, but didn’t show a picture of the back. Isn’t that heart so cute!
And an update on washing the onesies ~ I’ve machine washed and tumble dried all of them, and so far, so good!
She is so cute! I love the baby leggings. I just don't think they look right on boys for some reason, but I love them! Great job on the onesie!