When I found out in October that I was having a girl, I immediately went home and looked up tutus on etsy. They looked fairly simple to make, so I looked up how to make my own! I figured once Tessa was walking, I'd start making her tutus. Then, yesterday, Baby Makin(g) Machine had a tutorial and showed off the multitude of tutus that she's already made. Her daughter isn't even here yet! That inspired me to head to JoAnn's today to try my hand at tutu making.
I decided that since it's still early baseball season, I'd look for Padres' colors - navy blue and sand. Who would have thought they'd have sand-colored tulle! I'm bad with estimating measurement, and the guy at the cut table way underestimated, so I have to go back for more tulle to finish the tutu, but so far, I'm pretty impressed with my crafting skills!
Pardon the sleeping model, but you NEVER wake a sleeping baby, even if it IS to model an adorable outfit! (plus her Padres shirts probably won't fit her for a few more months!)
Love this! Majorly love that you are making tutus...Right on Sis!!!